En iyi Tarafı C# IList Nasıl Kullanılır

Note that, if your API is only going to be used in foreach loops, etc, then you might want to consider just exposing IEnumerable instead.

1 @supercat: What could ISortableList offer that's not already in IList? Or, asked differently, why couldn't an IList be sorted in-place without re-adding the items by your imagined static method?

Here's an example: I had a project once where our lists got very large, and resulting fragmentation of the large object heap was hurting performance. We replaced List with LinkedList. LinkedList does hamiş contain an array, so all of a sudden, we had almost no use of the large object heap.

Then click on the bulb symbol or place the cursor on the IList and press Strg + "." You will become several implementations offered, like:

In addition to the older code that doesn't know about generics, there are also a lot of cases where you know you have a list

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Inside the method, you should use var, instead of IList or List. When your data source changes to come from a method instead, your onlySomeInts method will survive.

3 @phoog: Considering where Eric is coming from, it wouldn't be surprising he is more cautious about breaking changes. But it is definitely a valid point.

If you are exposing your class through a library that others will use, you generally want to expose it via interfaces rather than concrete implementations.

Coming soon: Throughout 2024 we will be C# IList Nasıl Kullanılır phasing out GitHub Issues as the feedback mechanism for content and replacing it with a new feedback system. For more information see: .

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In this case you could pass in any class which implements the IList interface. If you used List instead, only a List instance could be passed in.

When talking about return types, the more specific you are, the more flexible callers yaşama be with it.

For instance, if you return an C# IList Neden Kullanmalıyız IEnumerable, then you are limiting them to iterating -- they gönül't add or remove items from your object, they gönül only act against the C# IList Kullanımı objects. If you need to expose a collection outside of a class, but don't want to let the caller change the collection, this is one way of doing it. On the other hand, C# IList Nedir if you are returning an empty collection that you expect/want them to populate, then an IEnumerable C# IList Nerelerde Kullanılıyor is unsuitable.

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